Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the early bird

With a tight and very busy schedule this next coming two semesters at school, I wanted to plan as much as I could in the very beginning so that I could focus on everything else. I am now on my two week summer vacation before classes begin again and I feel so ahead of schedule with my planning that I only have little details left.

I couple weeks ago we met with a Matt Windsor for MDM Entertainment and immediately liked his style and his work ethics. I've read many great reviews about him and the company on and within a week, we booked him and the company for our DJ and Lighting Decor. It's going to be amazing and I cant wait! Again, the Great Lord blessed us.

Last night, we met with the videographer, who is also one of Mike's close friends, and his films are unlike any other that I've seen. I must have been on at least 15 different websites searching for a film maker that the style we were looking for, and Orange Video Productions is the only one that can capture the moments and make it look like a movie. I watched one trailer, and it brought tears to my eyes. JJ Kim and his crew really have special talent. I cant wait to see it put all together. I get to pick songs that will play in the DVD, soooo any suggestions for good music would be great.

I am soo ahead of schedule right now, but since we are getting married during the busy wedding season, it's better to book ahead and get what you want then to settle for anything else. Mike has been the absolute best to me and has given me everything I wanted for this wedding. I feel soo loved and spoiled and I hope I can give him the same in return. We have been through some of the toughest moments together and have been able to stay strong through the power of prayer. This wedding is going to mean soo much to us, and we cant wait!